
Showing posts from 2014

G20 turns out positive.

Newsflash - Australian Government has just announced digital literacy Push. Decimal is dead, Binary is in.

App of the week - Biteable

C'mon Apple - lets synchronise things a little!

Principles of safe sexting

If I were put in charge of Windows OS10

Career switching teachers have many skills to transfer to your business

Quick hack to improve dishwasher performance.

Is Jacqui Lambie the Problem or merely the symptom?

Cloud security - Should you trust it.

Would Inertia be discovered quicker on an ice planet?

Single question does not a difference make.

QR Encoder day 6

A brief explanation of metadata

QR encoder day 5

love the new prototype google car

QR encoder Day 4

QR encoder day 3

QR encoder Day 2, relationship between size of Message and size of code.

Designing a QR code Encoder

What are these other unix?

Should e-safety be rebranded?

Can you help explain this failure?