First Blog post Jitters
So - I've decided to create a blog.
I'm an interesting guy, I teach maths and ICT, web design and programming at a high school in Northern Queensland. I'm British, and lived there on and off for 35 years before emigrating to join my wife in Australia. I'm a bit like most people - I'm unique, but awkward in expressing my uniqueness.
So why am I starting a blog? Well I'm opinionated and wish to share my opinions. I'm interested in Tech and want to vocalise my ideas. I'm interested in education, and want my daughter to grow up living a great life like I am. In short - it seemed like a good idea.
Until now. Setting up a blog is relatively easy. You look at the options, decide how much control you want over the mechanics of the blog (almost none). You sign up and check that it has the functionality you want (I mostly want to ignore the tech underneath, but might want the ability to tinker later). The choice of scheme came down to github pages, or google blogger. Github want to give me absolutely full control over everything, Blogger wants to do everything for me, but will let me tinker with the HTML. Blogger it was.
Stage 1 complete. My blog is now set up! Mission accomplished!
Well that was a while ago, but there is no point having a blog unless you post to it. Again the process is relatively simple, I have a number of small private blogs for students to work from, providing notes, examples and tasks, but that is it. This is a real post being made for the first time.
What to write that first post about? Well the first post is likely to be like your first sexual encounter, all anticipation, build-up, and little actual substance. However now my blogging cherry is blown, pun intended, I hope the second post will be easier, and much more satisfying.
Regards all.
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