My covid Infection

  So I got the covid last year.

I was double vaccinated, and due for my booster November 10.  Booked a week in advance, Not the quickest appointment, but not wishing to enter into Luton, because who wants to do that ever?

I wasn't feeling right on the 8th, so I took a lateral flow test, that was negative. I didn't have any of the symptoms I thought you should get, so I just dismissed it as feeling off. My daughter was ill, headache, and generally 9 year old grotty. I booked her in for a test, on the "just in case"

On the 9th I was very off.  My daughter was grotty also like the day before, headache, sluggish, wanting to do nothing but curl up in bed, preferably within the safe confines of a cuddle. Her test came back positive in the morning, so I called my wife to come home from work and isolate. She wasn't happy about that, and was a little sluggish at that time.  About as sluggish as any teacher heading towards the end of Autumn term. To cheer her up I booked us both in for a date at the test centre. Mostly just to be safe with the booster being the day after. at this stage I was just tired.  I would have said no to covid symptoms if asked the day after.  I did do an extra LFT that morning just in case though.  That was negative.

Wednesday (10th) Through Friday were pretty much a blur. Yes I was tired, I had a fever, but not much worse than the one after the first vaccine. I was very tired, and slept through pretty much to the Saturday. 

Saturday (13th) I was fine.  Right as rain, spent an hour on the exercise bike, was itching to get out. Isolating was just frustrating.  Many little jobs were done, much was organised.

Sunday I was literally bouncing against the walls ready to escape.  I went so far in the car, on the driveway just to be outside. The tyranny of isolation being just too much. I'd beaten Covid, I was out and ready to be.

Monday It hit me right back though.  I am an asthmatic.  If you know any asthmatics we get an asthma plan.  They are traffic light systems.  Green - Go for it, Yellow - Slow down take the puffers, stop, and get back to green.  If you can't get out of yellow in a couple of hours, or hit red, call the ambulance.  My yellow zone is a peak flow below 512.  I hit 510, which is nothing. Its have a coffee, think about where you left your reliever, and if you can't find it in 10 mins try again with the peak flow, it'll be right. This time though I couldn't do anything.  covid had been beaten, but whilst my defences were looking the other way, something had slid in. I couldn't get right, so we called the ambulance. 

Tuesday - there I was the healthiest guy in the respiratory covid ward.  A shed load of antibiotics steroids and stuff for the thing that cold let in, not for the covid itself.

Friday - they let me go.  Friday hospital releases are always tricky, if you don't get out Friday you're almost always there for the weekend. There is no place worse than a hospital on the weekend.  I eventually almost had to walk out before they agreed to let me out. I did have to take it easy on the weekend.


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