Cloud 9 - a wish list

Cloud 9 is an Online IDE.  It is one of the most awesome applications of cloud computing created in the last few years. It is now my go-to tool, despite using multifeatured IDEs such as Xcode and Visual studio in different past roles. 
Its chief rival as an online IDE ought to be CodeAnywhere.  CodeAnywhere has a slick interface and a great iPad app. Maybe CodeAnywhere lost me when I had to remember a password. Perhaps CodeAnywhere lost me with the complexity of typing in the URL into an address bar. Perhaps it's a vi vs emacs thing, I just have an innate preference.
This is a short wishlist for those at cloud 9.

1 - Make an iPad app for me.  I don't care about programming on my phone. My fat fingers are too clumsy to type a text message well. Anything longer is not really a relevant question. An iPad app - now you are talking powerful.

2 - I want to save my own app templates.  I'm experimenting in Go, and I like my own setup for python with flask.  Whilst the selection of workspaces is good. I reckon I could cut down on my yak shaving if I could make my own workspaces and save them.  This should be easy enough even if I need to play with Docker a little.
A good selection, but I want to shave less yaks
3 - Another sharing mode.  The read and write mode is quite scary.  What if someone I'm working with puts something dangerous in a bit of code whilst I'm not looking.  Can I have a "suggest" mode like in the newer model of Google Docs? Where my co-programmer can make a suggestion, and I get to accept or reject the change.


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